Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Why a Blog???

To begin, this is not my first blog.

I became involved in blogging about 6 months ago after a big drop off in Adsense and Affiliate Sales revenue from my other ventures. Why the drop off? Honestly, Google.

It is not my style to blame others for my problems, but Google's Ranking Algorithm combined with changes to Adsense and Adwords rules has made it really hard for Affiliates to earn income from those sources.

Case in point? Have you noticed the number of former Affiliates who are selling books and ideas to new Affiliates? That is because they, like me, know that it has become almost impossible to get an Affiliate site in Google ... and even if you do diligent SEO and secure hundreds of one-way links, the Google Sandbox still prevents you from showing up in Google searches for any terms other than your URL or site/company name.

So why blogging? Well, it is a big harder than website design to come up with new material almost daily, BUT Google will index and list you in searches. Also, with RSS feeds your blog can show up in numerous places, and it's easy to submit a RSS feed to dozens of listing engines.

Since this is my fist post on this blog, I will be honest - this is an income generating blog. Don't write to me, or comment complaining about ads and Affiliate links. I will make this promise though - I will not "promote" any product I do not use, or believe in.

Since you are here, you are obviously interested in monetizing and promoting your own blog. Check back regularly. Every couple of days I will comment on some aspect of blogging for cash and monetizing your blog. If you can't wait that long, buy Rob Benwell's Blogging to the Bank - 2.0 - the top clickbank product of it's kind about blogging.

Next time - choosing your blog topic.

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